Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Driving Lesson

Nothing increases your faith like a driving lesson with your teenager. You need to have a firm grip on the concept of Heaven to put your self in the hands of your sixteen year old son behind the wheel! Can I get an Amen??!! What sixteen year old doesn't already know way more than his mother in the first place and since drinking while he's driving is out of the question praying is the only way to go!

My son believes that God has given him the gift of increasing my patients so that I don't ever go crazy and do bodily harm to someone in the super market line. This to him means that on a daily basis he needs to nearly push me over the edge (often). Bless him Lord, Bless him. He is certainly using his talents to the best of his abilities. Consequently our driving lessons are ...passionate to say the least. Yesterday after attending child #2's basketball game, child #1 drove us home (part way was all I could take). Midway someone pulled out in front of him and cut him off. The conversation went something like this, "Son, you need to slow down this guy just pulled in front of you..slow down...SLOW DOWN...PUT ON THE*!#* BRAKES NOW! After wetting my pants I calmly explained to him that when your mother is NOT in the car yelling at you to stop it is a good idea when someone cuts you off to stop before your front end hits their back bumper. To which my darling boy replies, "Well, he shouldn't have pulled out in front of me. He would deserve to be hit!" More praying, more praying, more praying........

My boy is a good boy, he babysits for his brother with out complaining, he helps his grandma and grandpa without complaining, he gets good grades, is respectful to girls, works hard and doesn't get into trouble and he keeps his mama praying.....but most of all he is keeping me out of prison by building up my patients so that I never go crazy in the check-out line and do bodily harm to someone. Bless him Lord, Bless him.

1 comment:

Technology Lady said...

Amen! Amen! Amen!!!!! Oh my gosh---- this describes the 50+ hours of driving time that had to happen with my son on a 90-day learners permit in order for him to get a school permit to drive himself to school when needed before he turns 16. (We had to renew and take 180 days to get 50 hours of driving time) He turned 15 in August and got the school permit just before school started. I'm laughing my head off just reading your story and thinking I'm not the only one!!! I really did try to comment quietly and softly about things that should happen as he is driving us around the country side but somehow decided that talking louder (maybe even yelling) with a few choice words in between might improve the driving ability of my then 14-year old son. His driver's ed teacher has informed me that my son says it's easier to parallel park without his mom yelling at him. I don't yell----just talk loudly when I want something to happen or need to emphasize a better way (Mom's way) for doing things. :-) Happy driving! Keep writing Big Mamma Blue --- you'll have a great book to publish when you compile all of your blogs together into one great story --- you'll be rich!!! :-)