Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I haven't had much time to write--"Tis the Season" and all. Actually I have been reflecting on that a lot lately. This is the time of year we are encouraged to find HOPE. This year that is something we could all use a big dose of.

It is easy to get discouraged. Life has a way of pulling you under sometimes. There isn't one person among us that hasn't faced their fair share of tough times. Your best friend, sister, father, mother or child dies and you think,' My life will NEVER be the same again', and you are right. You lose your job, your home, your husband or wife and wonder how you will ever go on.

Cold wind sweeps over your soul, your mind and body freeze up, go numb and shut down. But, somewhere deep inside your heart there is a small flicker from a tiny flame that refuses to be stifled--HOPE!

Like Horton's little Who's it calls out to you. You say "Shut up! My life is over." But your stubborn little flame refuses to go out. It's not strong enough to warm your whole heart...yet. Then one day a little cherub faced baby smiles at you in the check-out line at the super market and you find a flower under the frozen snow. Your little flame flares up! Suddenly your hands get warm and tingly and then your feet and before you know it your smiling back. HOPE!

God gave us this little flame. He wrapped it up in "swaddling" cloth and laid it in a manger. A tiny little bundle of HOPE....."Christ in you the HOPE of Glory!"

I thank God for this hope and for the fact that he refuses to let this little flame be extinguished. "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" Philippians 1:6

Merry Christmas to you all and may the God of all HOPE bless and keep you always!

1 comment:

Patrick A. Allen said...

So fun to read your writing! Keep it up, keep it up . . . a new Erma Bombeck, perhaps?

The driving story reminds me of grandma pulling out onto the highway in front of the semi - - "I'll teach that SOB to drive so fast . . ."

Take care. Write up a storm!